Vaccines Required on 2021 Honor Flights

The Honor Flight Network, the national organization which governs all Honor Flight hubs has announced that all passengers on honor flights in 2021 will need to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The two dose vaccine from Moderna or Pfizer, or the single dose vaccine from Johnson and Johnson are sufficient.

For those who receive a two dose vaccine, the second dose must be received at least 14 days prior to the flight. For those who receive the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, the dose must be administered at least 28 days prior to flying. 

The vaccine requirement applies to all veterans, guardians, and staff who participate in the flight. No exceptions will be made.

Veterans Honor Flight of Southern Illinois continues to plan the 7th flight for the fall of 2021. While we cannot yet confirm this flight will operate, we continue to work towards a successful return to flying our nation’s heroes.

Flight 7, originally scheduled for May 5, 2020, will transport those veterans who were originally selected in early 2020. Veterans on flight 7 should not send vaccination records to Veterans Honor Flight at this time. This information will be collected prior to the flight.

Veterans Honor Flight continues to accept veteran applications via our web site at Any US veteran may apply. Veterans who apply at this time will be considered for selection after Flight 7 completes. Veterans may also apply via mail. The application form can be printed from

The board of directors would like to thank all who have donated to Veterans Honor Flight during this suspension of operations, the COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected all of us. We remain committed to serving our veterans. We will return to DC as soon as it is safe.

Veterans Honor Flight is a volunteer-led organization supported fully by donations. Our mission is to take our veterans to Washington DC to see the memorials built in their honor,

For more information, visit or call 618-942-3930.