Veteran Application

Honor Flight recognizes American veterans for your sacrifices and achievements by taking you to Washington, DC to see YOUR memorial at no cost. Top priority is given to terminally ill veterans from all wars, WWII veterans, and Korean War veterans. For what you and your comrades have given to us, please consider this a small token of appreciation from all of us at Honor Flight. For further information, please contact us at

Our flights depart from Marion, Illinois. There are hubs throughout the United States. You MUST apply with the hub you intend to fly with. If you do not want to fly from Marion, IL visit

Veteran Details

Alternate Contact(Son, Daughter, etc)
Alternate & Emergency contacts should not be the same person.
EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION (someone not flying with you who can be contacted on flight day)
SERVICE HISTORY (a copy of your DD-214 must be sent by mail for this application to be processed)


Each veteran on Honor Flight is assigned a guardian, regardless of age or medical situation. Due to the nature of our operation, it is extremely important we know if you have a person you wish to serve in this role. If you have a preferred guardian, they must be listed on this form AND complete a separate Guardian Application on our web site or via mail-in form. A guardian CANNOT fly if we do not have a Guardian Application on file for them by the deadline established for that flight. Guardians must be approved by our board of directors and attend guardian training prior to the flight. Guardians must also pay the guardian fee. For complete information visit Your spouse/significant other is not eligible to serve as a guardian.



The undersigned acknowledges and agrees that:

I further state that medical insurance is the responsibility of the veteran and I understand that Honor Flight does NOT provide medical care. I understand that I accept all risks associated with travel and other Honor Flight activities and will not hold Honor Flight responsible for any injuries incurred by me while participating in the Honor Flight program.

The full name and date of birth listed on this application match exactly with government issued photo ID carried by the veteran. I understand I may not be allowed to fly if a discrepancy exists in this information due to flight security pre-screening.

Veterans Honor Flight